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The Flyer

This weekly publication is available for pick up in designatedboxes throughout Cottonwood and Palo Verde. It is downloadable from this website, under the "Community Information" tab. then "Download Flyers". 

If you would like to get The Flyer, In The Know and other HOA Bulletins via email, please register with us HERE



InThe Know

This weekly e-letter is sent via email to those who sign up on the website. You can register by clicking the link above.



The Sun Lakes Splash

Look for Cottonwood Palo Verde news in the Splash every month. The Splash is delivered to Sun Lakes residents and extra copies are available for pickup in designated boxes in the Sun Lakes community.

The Splash is also available on their website, www.sunlakessplash.com or click here: Links To Area Information.








Cottonwood Palo Verde @ Sun Lakes HOA
25219 S. EJ Robson Blvd.
Sun Lakes, Arizona 85248

*Cottonwood Palo Verde at Sun Lakes is an age 55 and older housing community
in accordance with the Arizona and Federal Fair Housing Acts.