Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 8:45 AM
To: Beth Becker
February 7, 2008
Members attending were:  Barry Mostovoy, Leroy Churchill, Bob Gahn, Nancy Graebke, Dotty Zander, Bob Schaedel, Dick Baker, Bob Keltz, and Kathy Skrei.  Visitors attending were Paul Graebke and Joe Ficek.  Richard Featherstone filled in for Board Liaison, Richard Hawkes, who was unable to attend.
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 P.M by Chairperson Barry Mostovoy.
The minutes of the January meeting were approved.
Bill Phillips, of Phillips Golf Design, gave a report to the Committee on the cost estimates of a putting course at Sisk Park that would be renovated with synthetic turf.  He also reported on the concept for the putting and chipping green concept at Cottonwood with cost estimates for each project.  The cost estimate for the project at Sisk Park would be $163,208.00 and $240,197.28 for Cottonwood.  If the waterfall feature at Cottonwood was taken off, $60,000 could be subtracted from that figure.  Barry wants to present something at the next Board Meeting.  After a lengthy discussion, it was decided that Sisk Park could be delayed as synthetic turf can be done at any time.  Bob Keltz suggested presenting the drawing for the Cottonwood Putting and Chipping Green concept at the Golf Workshop which will be held on February 20th.  Everyone agreed that this was a good idea. 
Staff Reports:
Bill Todd - Bill reported that a lot of bunker and tree work has taken place.  Asked about Sisk Park, Bill stated that artificial turf is getting better and would be much easier to maintain.  Prism flags should be here next week.  Asked about the sand in the bunkers at Palo Verde, Bill said it will settle down with water and mechanical raking.
Troy Ford - Troy reported that this is a very busy time of year and went over the various events  that are taking place with both clubs.  Annuals are ahead of what was budgeted for this year.  Comment Cards are in the Pro Shop.  Asked about score cards, Troy sees no reason to put another box out there as most members have score cards and the rangers can give them out as well.
Greg Tokash - Greg went over the various upcoming events taking place at Palo Verde.  It is an extremely busy time at PV as well.  Rich Featherstone asked if he and Chuckie were working on a pre-pay signup sheet for the buffet after golf for Friday P.M. Couples.
Greg stated that the signup sheet will be up starting tomorrow.
Old Business:
  Barry reported that the Golf Workshop will be held February 20th at 2:00 at San Tan.  Barry asked the Pro Shops to put signs up and that as many as possible from the Golf Committee be there.  He also asked the four clubs to advertise it.
  Barry addressed the proposed Rationale/Justification for the Cottonwood Men’s Member/Guest Tournament that he sent to the Committee.  Bob Schaedel asked that the actual numbers of open tee times be added to the proposal.  After discussion, the Board will be asked to make the final decision.  Dick Baker made a motion to recommend to the Board that the Rationale be reconsidered.  The motion was seconded and carried.
  Bob Schaedel stated that the second annual Neighbors Who Care Tournament was held, and that there are many local companies that are willing to donate.  He suggested that the four clubs look in to co-sponsorships.
New Business:
  Barry reported that he had a question from a homeowner regarding personal responsibility for damage that is caused by an errant shot.  (Page 19 in the “Little Book of Golf Rules”).  Richard Featherstone stated that an attorney advised that the person who hit’s the ball is responsible for any damage.  This rule will be left as stated in the Rule Book.
 Other Business:
  Barry asked about the consensus from the four clubs regarding this year’s golf calendar.  The consensus was that they like the golf calendar the way it was last year.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 P.M.  The next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 6, 2008, at 2:00 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathy Skrei, Secretary