OUR HISTORY 2021 –Present
2021 Board of Directors: Roger Beagle, President; Gay Zawatski, Vice President; Frank Gould, Treasurer; Bud Jenssen, Secretary; Don Hicks, Director; Len Horst, Director; Irene D'Aloisio, Director
General Manager: Steve Nolan
Homeowner Dues:
Cottonwood Dues $1,504
PaloVerde Dues $1,885 (Includes Gate and Road Maintenance)
Golf Rates:
CWPV Homeowners: CWPV Combo $1,965; PV only $1,400
Phase 1 & 3 Homeowners: CWPV Combo $2,165; PV only $1,600
Major Events:
- Renovation of the Palo Verde Restrooms was completed. (Link to Photos)
- 9th spotless audit of the HOA #2 accounting records.
- Replacement of the 40+ year old Irrigation Pump Station #1, located at Cottonwood Golf Course hole #4 was completed.
- Committee meetings, events and concerts resumed in March after a yearlong break due to COVID19.
- Completion of three new Pickleball Courts at Cottonwood. (Link to Photos)
- Renovation and civil repairs to the Palo Verde Irrigation Pump Station located at Hole #9 was completed.
- A refresh of the Palo Verde Bar and Restaurant was approved.
- Construction on the Computer Learning Center Project at the old Fitenss Center was approved. It was funded by a homeowner donation and HOA funds: 60% Capital Improvement Funds and 40% Capital Reserve Funds. (Link to Photo)
- Installation of a "Hearing Assist" System for the Saguaro Room was approved.
- Enhancement of the election process & procedures using Vote-Now Digital Voting was approved.
- LED lighting throughout the Community continues to be installed by Facilities Maintenance.
Number of homes sold in the year 2021 were 324 compared to 331 homes in 2020.
2022 Board of Directors: Leonard Horst, President; Gay Zawatski, Vice President; Frank Gould, Treasurer; Don Hicks, Secretary; Irene D'Aloisio, Director; Bud Jenssen, Director; Glenn Martinsen, Director
General Manager: Steve Nolan (Jan. 1, 2022 – June 30, 2022); Steve Hardesty (July 1, 2022 – Current)
Homeowner Dues:
Cottonwood Dues: $1,540
PaloVerde Dues: $1,931 (Includes Gate and Road Maintenance)
Golf Rates:
CWPV Homeowners: CWPV Combo $2,000; PV only $1,425
Phase 1 & 3 Homeowners: CWPV Combo $2,200; PV only $1,630
Employee of the Year: Mike Bickford, Information Technology Specialist
Major Events:
- Completion of the Computer Learning Center Project (CLC) at the previous “Old Fitness Center” location.(Link to Photo)
- Replacement of the Irrigation Pump Station at Hole #13/#14, located at Cottonwood Golf Course was completed.
- A refresh of the Saguaro Room was approved and completed.
- Inflation, gas surcharges and supply chain issues impacted the Association.
- 10th spotless audit of the HOA#2 accounting records.
- Golf Course bunker work began at Cottonwood to improve drainage and sand conditions.(Link to Photo)
- New Friends/Ambassador Program began reporting to the General Manager.
- Cormorant issues were addressed.
- Retirement party for General Manager Steve Nolan was held.
- A Dry Well Drainage System for the water retention area was added at Sisk Park.(Link to Photo)
- Golf Course Five-Year Strategic Plan was adopted.
- Installation of over 165 security cameras throughout Cottonwood Palo Verde buildings and facilities began.
- Midge Fly mitigation procedures at Lake 20 began.
- Installation of 1832 irrigation sprinkler heads and 53 Satellite Control Pedestals at Cottonwood Golf Course were approved.
- Safety & Security Committee dissolved for reorganization and was scheduled to be reinstated in 2023.
- Electronic face to face attendance by Board Members was reviewed and allowed a maximum of 3 meetings per year.
Number of homes sold in the year 2022 were 286 compared to 324 homes 2021.
2023 Board of Directors: Leonard Horst, President; Martin Neilson, Vice President; Frank Gould, Treasurer; Tami Ronnfeldt, Secretary; Bud Jenssen, Director; Glenn Martinsen, Director; Cheryl Ravenscroft, Director; Irene D’Aloisio, Retired
General Manager: Steve Hardesty
Homeowner Dues:
Cottonwood Dues $1,590
PaloVerde Dues $2,067 (Includes Gate and Road Maintenance)
Golf Rates 2022/2023:
CWPV Homeowners: CWPV Combo $2,400; PV only $1,640
Phase 1 & 3 Homeowners: CWPV Combo $3,300; PV only $2,280
Employee of the Year: Judy Purcell, Accounts Payable Staff Accountant
Major Events:
- Installation of 220 linear feet of artificial turf at the CW Driving Range(Link to Photo)
- Professional Services to design the intended replacement of the Cottonwood Pool Deck
- Repairs to the leak at the lake on PV Golf Course Hole #14
- Purchased custom blinds for the Saguaro Room
- 1st Annual Community Survey went out to the Community.
- Cox Communication installed underground fiber optics throughout the Community.
- Maricopa County replaced all the roads in Cottonwood and the CottonVerde sections of the Community.
- Replacement of pool furniture at the PaloVerde Pool (Link to Photo)
- Repaired the wood floor in the San Tan Ballroom
- Refinished the wood floor in the Dance Room
- Resurfaced the pool decks at the Kids Pool, the Michigan Pool, and the Palo Verde Main Pool
- Purchased additional Fitness Center equipment
- Purchased (3) Three Toro Fairway Mowers
- Installed shade awning and pavers at the three new pickleball courts (Link to Photo)
- Sold the Land Lease Agreement with Octagon Sun Towers, LLC for the communication tower located at 25437 S. Glenburn Drive and all related AT&T assets and improvements for $260,000.
- Sisk Park 1) Replaced the turf and lighting on the Bocce Ball courts 2) created a multipurpose artificial Turf Sports Court area (Link to Photo)
- Purchased 33 Irrigation Satellite Control Stations and 2,315 irrigation Heads for the PV Golf Course Irrigation System
- Replaced 4 golf carts at the PV Golf Course and 10 golf carts at the CW Golf Course (Link to Photo)
- Remodeled the Ceramic Room
- Began work on new Website and Server
- Created a Task Force to review the current HOA Board Policies and convert them to Rules and Regulations, as recommended by the HOA Attorney
- Restricted entry at Board Meetings to homeowners in “good standing” with homeowner cards or those designated by the homeowners with a completed Authorization Form.
Number of homes sold in the year 2023 were 224 compared to 286 homes 2022.
2024 Board of Directors: Leonard Horst, President; Martin Neilson, Vice President / Treasurer; Tami Ronnfeldt, Secretary; Frank Gould, Director; Bud Jenssen, Director; Glenn Martinsen, Director; Maryann Sinerius, Director
General Manager: Steve Hardesty
Homeowner Dues:
Cottonwood Dues $1,670
PaloVerde Dues $2,258 (Includes Gate and Road Maintenance)
Golf Rates 2023/2024:
CWPV Homeowners: CWPV Combo $2,760; PV only $1,885
Phase 1 & 3 Homeowners: CWPV Combo $3,795; PV only $2,625
Employee of the Year: Esteban Figueroa, Foreman at Cottonwood Golf Maintenance
Major Events:
- Signed the amendment to the land lease contract for the Octagon Tower Cell Tower.
- Jennifer Todisco joined the HOA as the Cottonwood Palo Verde Food & Beverage Director.
- Installation of 33 satellite control pedestals and 2,315 irrigation sprinkler heads at the Palo Verde Golf Course.
- 2024 Kia Niro LX was purchased for Patrol.
- Capital Contribution Fees were incrased to $5,000.
- Three (3) Task Forces were created: Cottonwood Pool Project, Technology, Reciprocal Agreement.
- Cottonwood Pool Project workshop was held on April 18, 2024.
- Additional Audio-Visual Equipment was purchased for the CLC Lecture Hall.
- $25,000 in Capital Improvement Funds were appropriated for Architectural Services related to the Cottonwood Pool Project.
- A Legal Review of Association Bylaw and work related to the CCRs was approved.
- Type 2 Reserve Study for 2024/2025 by Facilities Advisors was approved.
- Vacation Watch Patrol Golf Cart was replaced.
- $1,500 of the the $5,000 Capital Contribution Fee was approved to be set aside for the future Cottonwood Pool Project.
- The transition from a server-based Jonas system to a Cloud based system began.
- 40 patio chairs were purchasd for the PaloVerde Golf Pro Shop patio.
- RFQ for Architectural Conceptual Design services for the Cottonwood Pool Project were approved.
- Food & Beverage menu covers were replaced.
- The Rental Processing Fee was incrased October 1, 2024 for the first time in 10 years; $25 Proecessing Fee, $225 Amenity Use Fee.
- New house paint color scheme was approved with no "grandfathering".
- Cox Communication switchover was completed.
- The Board approved moving forward with the Conceptual Design for the Cottonwood Pool Project.
Number of homes sold in the year 2024 were 217 compared to 224 homes 2023.