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CHRONOLOGY/SUMMARY OF CWPV RENOVATION PROJECT When the Master Plan proposed by the MacMahon Group was decisively defeated by homeowner votes in June 2006 a group was formed called the Better Sun Lakes 2 Task Force. In July 2006 this group was directed by the Board of Directors to analyze the state of our facilities and develop a comprehensive plan for addressing the facilities’ needs. This group had it’s first meeting on July 12th, 2006. About 40 volunteers were involved in the assignment. During the summer a series of input “Round Table” meetings were held in the San Tan Ballroom to get homeowner input. Essentially we were obtaining what homeowners liked about our facilities and what they’d like to see improved. Based on this information plus opinions and data contained in the MacMahon surveys, concept plans were developed. In Oct and Nov of 2006 the Better Sun Lakes 2 Task force team held a series of Roundtable Discussions presenting proposals dedicated to restoring, refurbishing and revitalizing our Facilities to homeowners. This included both the Palo Verde and Cottonwood clubhouses. The Team met continuously into 2007, providing information to homeowners by sending invitations, making phone calls and giving around 40 slide presentations of plan recommendations. Homeowners approved the Concept Plans in Nov 2007 with a 75% voter turnout and 86.6% approval. This included an assessment of $5,438,000 or $1,428 per household. The Oversight Team was appointed by the Board in February of 2008. Architect Bill Thompson was appointed in March of 2008. Members included Milt Smith, Chairperson; Bob Spruiell, Mike Garver, Paul Graebke, Bill Tinsley and Terry Wilson. Clubhouse Renovations Oversight Team met throughout the summer of 2008 fine tuning the Concept Plans. On July 24th, 2008 final concept plans were presented to homeowners in a special Town Hall meeting in the San Tan Ballroom. Plans were approved by the CWPV Board of Directors in Nov 2008. CW and PV Clubhouse Plans submitted to Maricopa County in late Nov 2008 for approval. The Oversight Team and Architect worked with the County regarding “red lines” in January and February 2009. March 5th, 2009 the Architect and the Oversight Team held a pre-bid meeting in the Palo Verde Clubhouse.