An Active Adult Community



The PVMGA started in 1986 with Dave Simmer as its first president. The club’s objective was to organize a group of golfers that loved playing the game, yet wanted to have fun doing so. In 1987 and 1988 Joe Schlobohm led the newly formed organization. Les Devanna was president and two major tournaments were initiated; first winner of the President’s Cup was Tony Mazza and Harry Rhoads with the first Club Champion.

Fred Williams was elected president for 1990/1991. John Segal was president in 1992. Jim Purcell captured the President’s Cup for the second year in a row. Jim Hayword was Club Champion. In 1993 John Anderson was president and also Club Champion. Kleis Larsen won the President’s Cup. In 1994 Frank Belmont was president, Club Champion, Neal Robbins. President’s Cup winners were Ed Bock and Stephen Howe.

In 1995 John Sullivan was president; Club Champion Jim Gillispie; Ken Groenke President’s Cup winner. In 1996 Jack Hanson was president; Joe Cwik Club Champion and Kleis Larsen President’s Cup winner. In 1997 President Art Freed presented the Club Championship to Jim Gillispie and President’s Cup to Keith Smith. Dana Perrin was president in 1998. Ed Wonter, Club Champion; Michael Ragar winner of President’s Cup.

In 1999 Jack Fitzsimmons was president; Norm Meadows Club Champion; Bill Nelson President’s Cup winner.
In 2000 Tom Phalen was President; Joe Cwik Club Champion; Joseph Rhodes President’s Cup winner. Les Albert was elected President in 2001; Club Champion Dick Howell who won the first of 5 Championships in a row. Winner of President’s Cup in 2001 was Al Stack. Bob Keltz was president in 2002; John Sullivan won the President’s Cup. 2003 Louis Grijalva was president; Jim Gillispie won his third major tournament winning the President’s Cup. Jim Long won the President’s Cup in 2004 when Dick Baker was president.

In 2005 the inaugural Member Guest tournament was held.

Dick Nelsen was president in 2005; Bud Derenne won the President’s Cup. Bill Skrei was PV president in 2006; Club Champion was Tim Shum; Don Mulholland was winner of the President’s Cup. In 2007 Paul Pannebecker became president; Dick Howell regained the Club Championship with his 6th tournament victory. Bud Derenne was winner of the President’s Cup in 2008. John Mitchell was president and Jack Hill was Club Champion and President’s Cup winner John Moschel. Dick Howell became president in 2009; Club Champion Tim Shumm; Marcell Grossman President’s Cup winner. Don Hicks was elected President in 2010; Club Champion was Roger Haythorne-White and Craig Currie winner of the President’s Cup.




*Cottonwood Palo Verde at Sun Lakes is an age 55 and older housing community in accordance with the Arizona and Federal Fair Housing Acts.